Bexley Beaumont's New Values

CEO Karen Bexley discusses Bexley Beaumont’s new values and what they mean to the firm as Bexley Beaumont enters its fifth year.

Since Bexley Beaumont first opened its doors four years ago, I have experienced the highs, the lows, the challenges, and the opportunities that come with leading a growing business. Building a firm with talented individuals who value and who all contribute to the collaborative supportive team culture has allowed the business to thrive, being named Legal 500 Boutique Law Firm of the Year in 2023 and hitting the top of the charts for our growth in 2023 (for Top 200 Law Firms as reported by Codex Edge). It is this culture that keeps the firm committed to its vision.

But as the firm enters its fifth year, the famous Marshall Goldsmith rings true – “what got you here, won’t get you there”. If Bexley Beaumont is to continue its upward trajectory and truly become a part of the change of the future of law, it must adapt accordingly with the times. It is with this thought in mind that we have devised a new vision for the firm to achieve in the medium-term and values that once upheld, will help us achieve this in the short-term.

The firm’s vision is to become the “Boutique Law Firm of choice for top talent with a focus on team culture, talent, support, and collaboration.” Team culture and collaboration are two of the founding principles upon which the business was founded and the lawyers know first-hand that Bexley Beaumont provides phenomenal support and has a wealth of talent within its walls. Our recruitment is strategic and measured in that we focus on ambitious, talented lawyers and recruit on cultural fit, which allows the firm’s team culture to thrive as each lawyer can trust implicitly in those around them.

However, these medium-term successes can only be in place if Bexley Beaumont creates a positive, supportive environment where people pursue excellence, embrace collaboration, are empowered to take control of their career, and are energised to enjoy their work. As such, Bexley Beaumont’s new values are:

Collaboration, Excellence, Empowerment, Enjoyment, Integrity, and Passion


Everyone achieves more when they work together. Collaboration drives us to explore new offerings; challenging how we can best deliver our services, which is why Bexley Beaumont will continue to pursue internal and external collaboration with its network.


We take great pride in our work, and we have an uncompromising determination to achieve excellence in everything we undertake. We only recruit the best talent as we know that Bexley Beaumont cannot be the best firm without the best people within it. We welcome every available opportunity to learn, grow and develop, and strive to go beyond what we think we can achieve.


Bexley Beaumont inherently empowers its lawyers by allowing them control of their work lives and clients, allowing each person to set their own goals. Empowerment helps the team feel appreciated, supported, and motivated, whilst providing a sense of control and purpose.


We have energy, enthusiasm, and fun along the way. There is an inclusive and collaborative environment where everyone is given the encouragement, support, and opportunity to be successful. We understand that when you enjoy something, people naturally look for ways to improve the process, make improvements, and become more highly skilled.


Integrity is the foundation for all our values. We deliver on our commitments. Building trust in every interaction through responsible actions and honest relationships is paramount. We accept responsibility and quickly correct things when mistakes are made, because trust is built in the proper handling of both our successes and our failures.


Passionate people achieve more, and we take pride in what we do and how we do it. We are enthusiastic and determined, we continually challenge ourselves to learn and improve. Our passion drives us and helps us to accomplish our goals and our clients’ goals, creating a high level of commitment.

By upholding these values consistently, Bexley Beaumont will continue to build upon the successes of the last four years and pursue its vision of becoming the boutique law firm of choice for top talent in the industry; one which we have already begun the process of. It is this which will then serve as the base, as Bexley Beaumont looks to be part of the change in the future of law.

To discuss any of the above further, please contact Karen:  |  07971 859332