To Change Culture, Do We Need to Change What Success Looks Like in a Business?

How should we measure success? To change the culture of an organisation, should we be redefining what success looks like? CEO Karen Bexley discusses this concept in her latest article and why at Bexley Beaumont lawyers have control and autonomy defining their own measure of success.

To change the culture of a business, do you need to redefine what success looks like? As the CEO of a law firm that embraces the need for cultural reformation, my answer is a resounding "yes." I recently attended a conference where I heard from Elizabeth Rimmer, CEO of LawCare. She made this thought-provoking comment which I have reflected on and discuss in this article.

A Paradigm Shift

In the traditional law firm model, it can be the case that hierarchies prevail, and success is dictated from the top down. Targets are often set from a profitability perspective this doesn’t always benefit the welfare of the lawyers who must hit those targets. This can result in a work culture where lawyers work long hours to meet their targets, often with job security hanging in the balance. Elizabeth refers to this as “survive or thrive.”

As a result, stress and burnout can happen, meaning the industry loses a wealth of talent before many individuals have had the chance to showcase their abilities. Elizabeth noted that around 60% of LawCare support contacts are from those in training or up to five years PQE (

In the fee-share model, lawyers are empowered to forge their own paths, to take control of their career and destination by setting their own targets which align with their work-life blend. They choose not only the cases they work on but also how, when, and where they work. The autonomy granted allows each lawyer to personalise their definition of success. At Bexley Beaumont we also focus on team culture and collaboration as we find that whilst Bexley Beaumont lawyers enjoy this autonomy and control, they also want to feel part of a firm, to feel connected and to have opportunities to meet their colleagues and work together.

The Power of Autonomy

Lawyers aren’t just lawyers. They are individuals with unique aspirations, talents, and lifestyles. Elizabeth advocates for a more holistic approach to legal operations, placing emphasis on the individual and their wellbeing. By giving lawyers the power to define their own version of success, Bexley Beaumont aims to foster a culture that values individuality and nurtures a sense of purpose. It is important to note however that gaining autonomy doesn’t mean sacrificing the connections and network developed over the years. In fact, it enhances the need to utilise existing relationships and forge new ones (either internally or externally) to generate business. So, while Bexley Beaumont lawyers embrace individuality, they most certainly are not alone. We have a focus and commitment to nurturing and promoting a supportive and collaborative team environment. “Grow the Team, Keep the Culture” is our unofficial motto.

Fee-sharing law firms recognise that success is not a one-size-fits-all concept. When lawyers have the freedom to choose their hours, work on cases that resonate with them, and cultivate a work environment that aligns with their values, they become more engaged and fulfilled in their professional lives. This is what we believe true success looks like.

Beyond The Law

Changing the definition of success isn’t unique to the law firm. Countless successful companies outside of the industry have set a precedent by prioritising a positive workplace culture and empowering employees to define their success. Google famously has a flexible work environment and develops innovative projects which contribute to a culture of creativity and productivity. Another shining example is Spotify, which has fostered a culture of innovation by allowing employees the independence to explore projects they are passionate about. There is an unmistakeable correlation between employee satisfaction, personal autonomy and company success across all industries which simply cannot be ignored.

Embracing Change for a Brighter Future

As the legal industry stands at the crossroads of tradition and progress, is it time to embrace change? By shifting our focus from a top-down definition of success to one that empowers individuals, we aim to not only enhance the wellbeing of our lawyers but also elevate the overall success of our firms.

Elizabeth Rimmer's advocacy for an approach prioritising the individual aligns seamlessly with the principles of Bexley Beaumont. And as we navigate the evolving legal landscape, we believe we should follow her lead and usher in a new era where success empowers individuals; fosters their creativity and provides a sense of fulfilment. Only then can we truly transform the culture within the legal industry and redefine what success looks like in business.

To discuss any of the above further, please feel free to contact Karen Bexley:  |  07971 859332